Informations Additives for b/w printing Additivo C+ Make easy the control of contrast and shadows density.To be used with developer : Medioton dilut. 1+9 o 1+12 - Use : from10 to 40 mlxlt Paper exposure : +/ - 10 %. - May be used with developper : ECC0 96 - for long-tones paper development. Additivo WT Allows to reach or vary warm-black tonalities .To be used with developer : Medioton dilut. 1+12 to 1+19. Use: from 30 to 70 ml/lt Paper exposure: from 2x to 5x. Additivo Allows to reach tonalities from cold-black to blue.To be used with developer : Medioton dilut. 1+4 a 1+9 . Use: from 10 to 25 ml/ lt. Paper exposure : + 10%. Additivo Special additive to be used with developer: ECCO 96 .You'll have a complete developing-system. Used by ACSAF for Fine-Art printing with special brush-development since 1980. May be used as second bath with dilution: from 1+2 to 1+12 Varying development time and dilutions of the two baths and paper exposure, allows to reach many differents tonalities and contrasts. Package: plastic- bottle . 300 ml. each. More informations about additives utilisation , special brush-development system courses and other workshops are avaible at: ACSAF - V.le A.Volta 51 - 50131 Firenze - tel + fax : +39 55 583707 - Web site : |
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